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Happy new year - Prosit Neujahr
Stay tuned for more news regarding our tour dates! Photo: Rainer Kerber
Pfauenteiche OA was a success!
It rained cats and dogs but as soon our concert started, the rain had stopped. Lucky bastards we were! We had loads of fun rocking the stage
Blind Man's Gun rockt die Markthalle 27.04.2017 in Hamburg
Wieder einmal lässt BMG die Sau raus und hat vor das Marx auseinander zu nehmen! Blind Man's Gun erscheint im neuen Line Up mit noch meh
SPOTLIGHT on Insane Realm Radio in Canada April 8th 2017
Saturday (April 8, 2017) 8pm CST (9pm EDT) on the Women of Metal Radio Show on Insane Realm Radio. The SPOTLIGHT will be shining on...
NEW ALBUM: "Beyond the Darkness" is out
Check out our latest album!!!
++++HOT HOT HOT++++
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